So, this took me far longer than I thought it would - but I've set myself a proper deadline for this short (that way it won't be left on the backburner for the rest of eternity...)
The final roughs have been completed for all of the characters in question, and I'll be honest - I thought about switching the whole project to 3D completely for the sake of speed. I stuck to it luckily - here's the rough animation!
I think the hardest part of this was keeping the characters consistent across frames (I'm not entirely sure I've done that super well to be honest) - I can attempt to fix this in cleanup at the very least!
I will say this, the character designs are very fun to draw over and over again, which was the main reason I kept going - I'm really excited to share the completed loop when it's done!
Next up on the 'chopping block' is cleanup, inbetweens and colour for these guys! Then, they'll need a scene to actually stand in...